No, this won't win any major awards or impress the art world's elite, but it is a funny, delightful diversion on a date night. My husband and I laughed all the way through it - as did the entire theater. I go to movies for a diversion from reality and this met the bill. If you don't expect deep meaningful, life altering messages or commentaries on the deep ills of society you will enjoy the movie.The performances by the supporting cast were delightful and the best of the movie - especially Kathy Bates and Zooey Deschanel. While the chemistry between the leads was lacking spark, their performances were still fun to watch.The critics need to relax a little and not expect searing dramatic performances from romantic chic flicks!
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Another pre-McConaissance mediocre rom-com from ya boi Matty McConaughey. There's a smidgen of chemistry between him and Parker, but not nearly enough to keep this cliched, predictable film afloat (get it? because boats?). Deschannel is the MVP and by far the highlight of the film, though her random mockingbird side quest takes up a disturbing amount of time. This really is a great cast that just isn't given great material. The constant, over-the-top animal-biting scenes? WTF. It's some mild entertainment, but nothing to write home about.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
I had high hopes for this movie. After all, I love all of the cast members. However, somehow, it just didn't do it for me. It was as if the screenwriters didn't know who they wanted to try to please. The over the top farcical scenes would have worked in a different movie, and the relationship scenes would have worked in a different movie. I think that one of the subplots involving Zooey Deschanel (who literally steals the show) would have been more interesting to watch than either of the two leads. Matthew McConaughey is admittedly good looking to watch, but his abs and cast have been his supporting cast long enough. And as much as I have loved Sarah Jessica Parker, she's looking a bit long in the tooth here, and is definitely too old to play the part.Grade: C (But only for Zooey's sake, I loved her!)